What is infused extra virgin olive oil?
Infused means scented.
In other words producers infuse a scent ( it can be essential oils, botanical extracts, concentrates) to olive oil. These scent ingredients do not have to be fresh. Please note that often extra virgin olive oil is not used for this purpose.
Infused oils do not provide much health benefits. However they make good skin care and beauty products.
What is fused extra virgin olive oil?
Fused means crushed!!
In fact, at Papa Vince we crush (cold press) together the WHOLE FRUIT of the olives and the WHOLE FRUIT of the lemon, chili, tangerine, chili, respectively, to produce an extra virgin olive oil that is loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients. We are one of the few brands in the industry that list vitamins in their nutritional panel.
What added health effects can EVOO provide by crushing the whole olives and the whole fruits together?
For example,
This same principle can be applied to every Papa Vince fruit crushed Extra Virgin Olive Oil!!
Our purpose...
Our family believes that we can make the world better through food that improves the life quality of people. This is why we take the pain of producing Crushed ( Fused ) Extra virgin olive oil instead of simple Infused Olive Oil.
Fused extra virgin olive oil requires a lot of planning because olives need to be ripe at the same time as the fusing fruit (lemon, orange, tangerine, chili pepper). This is very important because the crushing must happen within a few hours after harvest.
But, your health is worth our time and effort. We believe that you have an incredible potential to improve the life of those around you, specially your family, and we want you to feed your family with pride.